Thursday, August 21, 2008

Around Bastrop County

Bastrop County's quest for a clean sweep for the Democratic ticket in the November 2008 election is in full swing. The first two of five rallies have been held with great success in Smithville and Bastrop. The next rally will be in Cedar Creek on September 13th from 11 to 2 at the Volunteer Fire Department. We will be serving sausage wraps, sodas, speeches, and activities for the kids. On September 27th the Elgin group will have a rally at Veteran's Park with food, silent auction, speeches and food.

Most of the candidates will attend these rallies and meet voters. We also have comprehensive programs of voter registration going on throughout the county. Special efforts are being directed at over 65 voters and chronic non-voters.

The crowning glory will be the SUPER RALLY. This will be held on Saturday, October 18th at Fisherman's Park in Bastrop. The event will begin at 5:30. The Party is cooking and selling brisket plates as a fund raiser. The Club in holding a silent auction to raise money. We will have a live band that comes to us with rave reviews and the candidates will be encouraged to visit with voters. We expect 1000 people to attend, so don't miss it!

Our three national delegates, Clara Maynard, Michael Flowers, and Dock Jackson are working hard to get ready for the Democratic National Convention in Denver later this month.

Finally, we are all waiting breathlessly for an announcement of the Vice Presidential candidate and for delivery of signs and bumper stickers, so we can get those distributed.

I appreciate all comments to my blog. The more comments, the more exposure for our candidates on-line.

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