Dear Fellow Democrats:
I can't describe how happy I am that the Democrats of America elected Barack Obama as the next President. Everyone I have talked to is excited about the new direction the country will be taking. It has been a long eight years of abuse by the Republicans. For the most part, the Democrats ran a clean, goal oriented race and the fact they we triumphed is fabulous.
I wish the same could be said of the Texas House District race run by Donnie Dippel and Tim Kleinschmitz. Mr. Kleinschmitz won his race through slander, liable, and the dirtiest smear tactics I have seen. It is my hope that Mr. Dippel will pursue legal recourse for the illegal part that was committed.
The race for Bastrop County District Judge was also messy. I am so elated that Chris Duggan, who ran a clean and honorable race, was able to prevail. His opponent also committed acts that border on illegal. Fortunately, the voters saw through it!
Now it is time for the healing process to begin and the Democratic process to win out and take hold. I believe it will be easier in two years to win races honorably. I believe the Republicans have finally realized that no group can fool all the people forever. Good for all of us!!!
Linda L.